City of Parkersburg Tree Commission

What is the Tree Commission?

The City of ParkeTreeCom-6214rsburg Tree Commission provides the Office of the Mayor, the Public Works Department, and the City Council with guidance regarding the maintenance and growth of the City's urban tree canopy.

The Commission is responsible for public planting locations and the maintenance or removal of city trees. The City of Parkersburg Tree Commission also administers the Memorial Tree Program, which provides community members the opportunity to purchase a tree to be planted in a public park accompanied by a memorial plaque.

Through the work of the Tree Commission, the City of Parkersburg has been recognized as a Tree CITY USA for the past 24 years by the Arbor Day Foundation.

The Parkersburg Tree Commission recently completed a City Park Tree Inventory Analysis & Management Plan. This project supports the City of Parkersburg, West Virginia’s vision to promote and enhance community well-being through public tree conservation and improved forestry management practices in their City Park.

Tree Commission Meetings

The Tree Commission meets on the second Tuesday of each month, unless there is no business for the Commission. Meetings are held in the small conference room of the City of Parkersburg Municipal Building.

These are public meetings. However, if you would like to address the Commission, we ask that you contact our office so you can be put on the agenda for the next available meeting.

Memorial Tree Program

The Memorial Tree Program provides community members the opportunity to purchase a tree to be planted in a public park accompanied by a memorial plaque. Those wishing to purchase a tree in honor or memory of a loved one or special someone select their tree preference and planting location, helping the City maintain a diverse tree canopy. 

Interested in purchasing a memorial City Park Memorial Treetree?
You can now send us all of the information we need to get your tree planted and purchase your tree online. Before opening the application, we recommend you review the maps linked below, as you will be asked to specify a location preference. 

If you would rather complete a paper application, download the Memorial Tree Application here, print and return it to us (instructions and address information are inside the packet). 

Memorial Tree Maps 

For help in choosing a location for your memorial tree, reference our Memorial Tree Maps.
(opens in a PDF)

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