Successful completion of WVDEP Program

The City of Parkersburg announces the successful completion of the West Virginia Department of Environmental Protection’s Reclamation of Abandoned and Dilapidated Properties Program.

The City was the recipient of $650,000 to remediate slum & blighted properties throughout the city. In March of 2022, the Legislature approved to launch a pilot phase for this new initiative. The WV DEP was tasked with developing the RADPP to assist municipalities like Parkersburg to remediate abandoned and dilapidated structures.

Addressing vacant and abandoned properties is essential to the long-term health and economic stability of residents, small businesses, and the community in general. High rates of vacant or abandoned properties in a neighborhood is shown to intensify public health disparities, contribute to poor health conditions, and can lead to higher rates of crime.

“Parkersburg has been committed to attacking slum and blight for many years, these efforts have proven beneficial to improving neighborhood safety and protecting the property values of neighboring properties. While simultaneously mitigating the risk of vacant structure fires which place our Fire Personnel at risk.”-Mayor Tom Joyce

These resources have enabled city staff to mitigate blight and demolish 52 residential and 6 commercial structures over the past 12 months. Unfortunately, high vacancy rates in parts of the city and West Virginia remain. The City of Parkersburg encourages the West Virginia Legislature to continue to appropriate the necessary resources to tackle neighborhood blight through these mitigation efforts.